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The challenges of cocoa farmers in Cameroon, includes the weather, pests, and unforeseen environments can have a profound effect on the way they grow crop and production viability and their livelihood. Therefore, acquiring access to best practice is vital. Enhancing best practices, can reverse dwindling production and build a strong, sustainable, traceable and reliable cocoa supply chain in Cameroon.

Through, training and yield increase cocoa production can again
become an attractive business to the present and future generation cocoa farmers. Applying a more integrated best approaches, and where barriers are lowered for cocoa farmers to access affordable services including better farming skills, inputs, land, fair income and access to loan, the output and quality of cocoa beans will be increased in the country.

Training methodology is centered on inclusive participatory and
utilization-focused aimed at cocoa farmers empowerment through inspiring sustainability and practical advancement. During training farmers will improve their farming skills and implement tailored upgraded farming approaches.